15th August 2014
The Hilton Hotel, 303 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 4 LQ
Natalie & Paul were married at the fantastic Hilton Deansgate Manchester Hotel, it was such a special day, not only did I have the honour of being Maid of Honour, but also the privilege to photograph their magical day! As you can imagine doing two important jobs at once was a real challenge but of course I loved every minute of it! Natalie looked effortlessly stunning in her beautiful white gown. The wedding colour theme was a gorgeous hue of fresh lemon yellow which complimented the industrial grey tones of the Hilton and its architecture. Later on the party was celebrated in the Cloud 23 bar, which boasted stunning views of the Manchester skyline all lit up at night time, deffinately an epic party to remember.
Thank you Natalie & Paul for letting me be such a major part of your Wedding!
#wedding, #hiltonhotel, #hiltondeansgatehotel, #deansgate, #manchester, #wedding, #summer, #bride, #groom, #cloud23